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电话: 0513-86326620
传真: 0513-86326220
姓名: Cara Cui
Nantong Cafuli Textile Co.,Ltd
cottonprint fabric
cottonprint fabric

  Nantong Cafuli located in Nantong city, Jiangsu Province, the World Hometextile Trade Center---China Nantong Home Textile Town. It is around 1.5 hours driving distance from Shanghai city. Nantong Cafuli is a famous home textile supplier integrating manufacturing, marketing & service. We are specialized in home textile fabric, finished products. Our all production is in the industrial clain. We have our own grey cloth woving dyeing and printing factory and home textile fabric showroom and selli

主要产品/业务: 100% cotton print fabric 100% tencel modal print fabrics jacquard fabrics

Nantong Cafuli Textile Co.,Ltd / 江苏 / Lisen Building,Zhihao Industrial Park,TongZhou,Jiangsu,China (226314) / 电话:0513-86326620

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